Meet the team

Three women working around a table with notepads, laptops, coffee. Meet the team.
Photo of Kristina Broughton, Wessex Museums Partnership Manager. Meet the team.

Kristina Broughton, Chief Executive Officer

Kristina became Chief Executive Officer in April 2023, but has been strategic lead for the partnership since 2015. Kristina manages the partnership’s charity, the Wessex Museums Trust, and its NPO programmes.

Prior to her leadership role with Wessex Museums, Kristina was an arts and heritage consultant specialising in programme management, evaluation and engagement, and worked on major regional and national projects including The Observatory and the Black Dance Archives. Her 20 years of professional experience spans arts, heritage, construction and education, including roles as Archives Learning Manager, Education Adviser for the Building Schools for the Future programme and Head of Art at a preparatory school.

Email Kristina.

Photo of Claire Brown Marketing and Digital Lead

Claire Brown, Marketing & Digital Lead

Claire is responsible for the partnership’s marketing, communications and digital strategies. This includes providing professional advice on marketing and communications, and organising skills sharing and training across the partner museums.

Claire has a background in the arts and culture industry, having previously led marketing and project coordination for several years across the South West region.

Email Claire.




Dr Anjana Khatwa

Dr Anjana Khatwa, Engagement Lead (Swindon Museums)

Previously Wessex Engagement Lead, Anjana’s role has now changed to focus on the three Swindon Museums (STEAM, Swindon Museum and Art Gallery, and Lydiard House Museum). She is working one day a week with their learning and engagement teams to provide mentoring support and continuing professional development opportunities. Anjana will also be helping them create innovative, inclusive and impactful content that engages underserved audiences.  

For 15 years, Anjana worked in the nature conservation and heritage sector, leading on creating sustainable learning and engagement programmes for the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site. She is an accomplished earth scientist and YouTube/television presenter. Anjana is also Vice Chair of the Dorset Race Equality Council and actively champions for equality, diversity and inclusion in the heritage sector. 

Email Anjana.

Pippa Burr, Finance & Admin officer

Pippa’s role is to manage the financial systems of the Wessex Museums Trust charity, including budgets, cashflow, invoicing, payroll and pensions. She also undertakes administrative duties such as producing reports, minute-taking and organising events. 

Pippa has experience in administrative and finance. Pippa studies Art History at Leicester University and has worked for the Guernsey Museum Education Service in the Channel Islands. Alongside her role with Wessex Museums Pippa enjoys volunteering at Dorset Museum & Art Gallery and recently was the Research Assistant for the exhibition “Elisabeth Frink – A View From Within”.

Email Pippa.

Sawfish are also called carpenter sharks...but they are rays, not sharks!

There’s also a species called a sawshark, but that’s, well, a shark!

What the heck is a lek?

Males great bustards perform spectacular courtship displays, gathering at a ‘lek’ or small display ground to try to impress the females.

Road Runner!

The great bustard has a dignified slow walk but tends to run when disturbed, rather than fly.

Belly Buster!

The hen-bird on display at The Salisbury Museum was one of the last great bustards to be eaten in the town!

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