Lunchtime Shares – Introducing our new series

MAS - Elisabeth Frink A view from within. Lunchtime Share talk

We’re excited to announce the launch of Lunchtime Shares, a new series where colleagues from across Wessex Museums share best practices and case studies from their work. 

Our first talk is now available online, with speaker John Wood, Collections & Exhibition Manager at Swindon Museums, discussing Lessons learned from opening a museum with limited funds. In this Lunchtime Shares, John takes us behind the scenes of the opening of Museum & Art Swindon after four years of closure following COVID-19. With a limited budget, the Swindon Museums team handled almost everything in house – from packing and relocation collections, to designing and installing new galleries. This resourceful approach made it possible to reopen the museum with tens of thousands, rather than millions of pounds.

John shares practical lessons on overcoming challenges, maximising resources, and managing a large scale-project with creativity and collaboration. Catch up with the talk below. 

Stay tuned for more talks, we will be sharing the series via our YouTube account

Photo credit: Elisabeth Frink: A View from Within at Museum & Art Swindon 

Sawfish are also called carpenter sharks...but they are rays, not sharks!

There’s also a species called a sawshark, but that’s, well, a shark!

What the heck is a lek?

Males great bustards perform spectacular courtship displays, gathering at a ‘lek’ or small display ground to try to impress the females.

Road Runner!

The great bustard has a dignified slow walk but tends to run when disturbed, rather than fly.

Belly Buster!

The hen-bird on display at The Salisbury Museum was one of the last great bustards to be eaten in the town!

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