Amos and the Devil

Amos was a tight-fisted and grumpy old blacksmith. He particularly hated children. One day St Peter came to his door and granted him three wishes. To St Peter’s shock, Amos asked for bad ones. To stop the kids from mucking about in his shop, he asked that whoever picked up his hammer wouldn’t be able to put it down; whoever sat in his chair wouldn’t be able to get out; and whoever tried to pick his prizes would get swallowed and pricked all over! Well, it happened that the Devil was after Amos for his bad ways. He sent a junior devil to capture him. Amos suggested he pick up his hammer – and the devil was stuck fast! To get away he had to promise not to take Amos’s soul. Second devil sat in Amos’s chair and had to make the same promise. Third time, the Devil went himself, and guess what? He was invited to pick a rose – and ouch! Those thorns do hurt! Amos’s soul was safe. But, after those bad wishes, would he ever get into heaven?

Sawfish are also called carpenter sharks...but they are rays, not sharks!

There’s also a species called a sawshark, but that’s, well, a shark!

What the heck is a lek?

Males great bustards perform spectacular courtship displays, gathering at a ‘lek’ or small display ground to try to impress the females.

Road Runner!

The great bustard has a dignified slow walk but tends to run when disturbed, rather than fly.

Belly Buster!

The hen-bird on display at The Salisbury Museum was one of the last great bustards to be eaten in the town!

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