Wiltshire Museums’ ‘Lest We Forget’ Exhibition

Lest We Forget Exhibition at Wiltshire Museum

Wiltshire Museums’ latest exhibition Lest We Forget: The Black Contribution to the World Wars in Wiltshire, is a reflective exploration of Black history during the 20th century, telling the individual stories of servicemen from the Caribbean and America during WWI and WWII in Wiltshire. The exhibition, which includes videos and artworks from local groups, brings together contemporary collecting and community co-creation to share and preserve these histories that might have otherwise been forgotten. 

Wessex Museums provided funding support through its National Portfolio funding from Arts Council England (ACE), which supports the museum’s Community Curator, Amy Hammett. Amy’s dedicated research played a pivotal role in connecting and building relationships with the Black and military communities in Wiltshire, to uncover and share these stories sensitively. With a thoughtful approach and commitment to responsible storytelling, the museum worked alongside multiple organisations on the exhibition including Wiltshire Race Equality Council, Black Poppy Rose, the Army’s Multicultural Network, British Legion and members of the Black community. 

Lest We Forget will tour to other Wessex partners Lydiard House Museum (April 2024 – December 2024) sharing these important stories to a wider regional audience. Wiltshire Museum are still actively researching stories related to Black servicemen during WWI and WWII in Wiltshire and adding them to their collection where they will be preserved for future generations. If you have any stories you would like to share, please get in touch

Visit the exhibition at Wiltshire Museum 11 November 2023 – 17 February 2024. 

Image: Enlistment Recruitment Posters, National Army Museum

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